When it comes to safety around horses one of the most important aspects is protecting your feet. Proper footwear in the barn comes second only to wearing a helmet. In this article we'll talk about...
Category: Product & Reviews
As the days grow longer and the weather gets warmer shedding season is finally upon us. Finding the best method to remove your horses winter coat can be a challenge. There are many products on the...
After a lot of procrastination about spending the money on a new helmet, and months of researching and hemming and hawing I finally bought a new helmet! I looked on line, read reviews and went to the...
9 Inspirational Equestrian YouTube Channels You Should Watch!
As a young kid and even teen I struggled to find equestrian events to watch on tv. Other than racing and the occasional show jumping competition or the Olympics, I could rarely find good horse...
Buying your first horse is so exciting and one of the best parts is shopping for all the supplies they'll require! If you've picked out your horse and are preparing for their arrival use this guide...
Shopping for your equestrian friends can be stressful for many reasons. Firstly, horse gear and equipment can be pretty expensive and if you're not into horses you may not even know where to start....