Welcome to The Flaxen Filly! Named after my beautiful mare UC Fascinatin’ Rythum.
So, you might be wondering, who I am and why I started this blog. Well, to state the obvious, I LOVE and always have LOVED horses. I can’t imagine my life without them! I’ve been horse crazy for a very long time and I hope to pass on the joy that horses bring us to others. Whether it’s riding, showing, trail riding, grooming, or even mucking out stalls, I love it all!
Starting at the young age of 5 I took lessons and eventually our family got our first horse, Image. After 25 long years with us, we sadly lost him in 2021.
I grew up riding with both my mother and sister and spent hours upon hours out on the trails, showing and just hanging around the barn. After college I decided to try my hand at teaching riding lessons and taking in some training horses but ultimately decided I wanted to be an amateur and gave up being a professional back in 2016.
Since 1991, my family and I have ridden countless horses, trained with some amazing and top notch professionals, competed at various shows around the country and been lucky enough to own several incredible horses.
And now, the greatest part of this journey is watching my daughter learn to ride! She started at the tender age of 18 months, and now at 6 years old she’s preparing to enter her final year as a lead line competitor.

After a brief hiatus from showing I’m happy to say I’m back at it. 2021 was my first year back in the show ring after a few years off and I had a blast getting back out there with my mom and my daughter.
I hope this site will inspire and encourage other equestrians and future equestrians who never could suppress that giddy horse crazy feeling we had as children. And, I hope you’ll find an abundance of helpful information.
Thanks for reading and happy trails!